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Principles and Ethics

On 9 June 2023, the code of conduct of the Greek Wildlife Care Organizations Network was signed in Kastoria by the organizations participating in the Network: ANIMA, Alkyoni, Action for Wildlife, ARCHELON, MOm, Arcturos, Arion, “Toulipa Goulimi” Association, Wildlife Protection Association of Naxos, Environmental Protection Society of Kastoria, Wildlife Rescue Scout Group, Natural History Museum of Crete.

Code of conduct of wildlife care and rehabilitation centres

The undersigned Wildlife Care Centres (WCC) and Wildlife First Aid Stations (WFAS) agree on the following principles, which should govern the operation of all members of the network, in relation to the care, welfare and rehabilitation of the wild animals they care for:

  1. The WCC/ WFAS strives to achieve high levels of animal care through knowledge and understanding of animal biology, ecology, behaviour and health. Ongoing efforts are required to keep up to date on the latest information, methods and regulations of rehabilitation and reintegration of
    treated animals.
  2. The WCC/ WFAS is responsible, conscientious and dedicated, while constantly working to improve the quality of care provided to animals in care and rehabilitation.
  3. The WCC/ WFAS applies the international, European and national legislation concerning wildlife, its care and rehabilitation and any related activities.
  4. The WCC/ WFAS ensures safe working practices and conditions, observing at all times the applicable health and safety rules.
  5. The WCC/ WFAS must have the assistance of a veterinarian.
  6. The WCC/ WFAS respects other centres and individuals belonging to related fields and shares techniques and knowledge in the spirit of cooperation for animal welfare.
  7. The WCC/ WFAS seeks partnerships with a view to the objective and impartial performance of its duties.
  8. The WCC/ WFAS provides professional care with sensitivity in every phase of the treatment and rehabilitation of wild animals and preserving the welfare of each animal, in accordance with the 5 freedoms adopted by international organizations, namely, (a) freedom from hunger and thirst, (b) freedom from suffering and discomfort, (c) freedom from pain, injury or disease, (d) freedom to express normal behavior, and (e) freedom from fear and distress.
  9. The WCC/ WFAS encourages the participation of society and its activism through the training of volunteers and raising awareness in citizens. The aim is to promote responsible interest in living beings and nature.
  10. The WCC/ WFAS performs all its work and activities with professionalism, honesty, transparency, integrity and dedication.
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