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Green Fund

Announcement of the inclusion of the 2nd Conference Effective Dialogue: Reality Check, in the Natural Environment & Climate Neutrality 2024 - Green Fund's 2024 Reverse Actions

The project 2nd Effective Dialogue: Reality Check Conference was included, by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Green Fund of the Y.P.EN. of 15 May 2024, in the Green Fund’s Financial Programme “Natural Environment and Climate Neutrality 2024” in the A.P. 1 “Protection of the Natural Environment – Climate Neutrality & Other Actions” – Reverse Actions 2024′. Beneficiary: ANIMA – Association for the Protection & ANINMA (Association for the Protection and Care of Wildlife). Project budget to be financed by the Green Fund 15.000 €. The 2nd Effective Dialogue: Reality Check Conference on defending effective communication against increasing misinformation, polarisation and climate collapse was co-organised by ANIMA, Team Synpraxis and the Hellenic Consultation Institute.

Care and rehabilitation of wild animals - contributing to the implementation of EU policies on urban biodiversity

Implementing Agency

The project “Care and reintroduction of wild animals – contribution to the implementation of EU policies for urban biodiversity” is implemented by ANIMA in cooperation with PE.SY.D.A.P. (Environmental Association of Municipalities of Athens – Piraeus). It is financed by the Green Fund, through the Financial Programme “NATURAL ENVIRONMENT & INNOVATIVE ACTIONS 2022”, under the Priority Axis “Innovative actions with citizens”. It has a duration of 13 months (1/11/2023-30/11/2024) and a budget of 50,000 euros.

Injuries and deaths of wild animals caused by anthropogenic factors, as well as their capture in the context of illegal trade, have serious consequences for biodiversity, particularly for species that maintain small populations, such as the cases of Black Tern and Egyptian Vulture individuals. Rescuing these individuals and reintroducing them into their natural habitat can help to maintain their populations in a region or even at national level. Moreover, the importance of the urban environment for the conservation of biodiversity is increasingly recognised. It is noteworthy that the current EU Biodiversity Strategy sets, among other things, the objective of returning nature to cities and calls on European cities with a population of at least 20,000 to develop their own eco-design plans. In Greece, there is a huge information gap on this issue, particularly among the relevant municipal authorities, where urban biodiversity is identified with so-called ‘urban fauna’, i.e. stray animals (cats and dogs).

The aim of the project is to protect, conserve and restore biodiversity through the care and rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned and trafficked wildlife, to highlight the importance of urban biodiversity and to initiate a debate within municipalities on the ecological transformation of cities, in line with the EU guidelines for the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy.

The general objectives of the project are the care and treatment of a total of 3,000 wild animals and the information of municipalities of Attica on urban biodiversity issues. The project is implemented in cooperation with ANIMA and PE.SY.D.A.P. (Environmental Association of Municipalities of Athens – Piraeus).

The specific objectives of the project are : a) The treatment of 2,000 adult/young injured or sick wild animals. Of these, 1,000 will come from Attica and the rest from all over the country. Approximately 50 are estimated to be large birds of prey, which after recovery will need to be housed and trained in special re-homing cages to enable them to survive in the wild after their release. b) The treatment of 500 chicks and hatchlings mainly because they fell from nests or were orphaned, all from the areas of the Municipalities of Athens-Piraeus, covered by PEP.SY.D.A.P. c) The treatment of 500 wild birds that are victims of illegal trafficking and trade from illegal bazaars, markets or shops in the municipalities of Athens-Piraeus d) The organisation of a workshop on urban biodiversity

  • Care and rehoming of 2,000 adult or young injured or sick wild animals
  • Care and treatment of 500 wild animals that are victims of illegal trafficking and trade
  • Fostering and reintegration of 500 orphaned chicks and pups
  • Increased awareness and knowledge: The workshop will help participants understand the importance of urban biodiversity, the threats it faces and the benefits it provides. It will also inform them about specific measures (e.g. regulations, guidelines and practices) that can be implemented by municipal authorities to conserve and enhance it. It is estimated that the workshop will be attended by approximately 30 participants, representatives and executives of municipalities in Attica.
  • Networking and cooperation: The workshop will bring together representatives and officials from different municipalities, allowing them to share experiences and ideas and possibly collaborate on biodiversity-related projects.
  • Overall, the workshop can help build the capacity of municipal officials, promote cooperation and mobilise action on urban biodiversity, contributing to the long-term sustainability of cities.

From 1 November 2023 to 30 April 2024, in the framework of the project:

  • 474 adult or young wild animals found injured or sick were cared for and treated. Of these, 353 came from Attica. 10 were large birds of prey, which were transferred to special re-homing cages run by ANIMA in Kalyvia and Diomedes Botanical Garden
  • 233 chicks and pups that fell from nests or were left orphaned were received and raised in the areas of the Municipalities of Athens-Piraeus, covered by PEP.SY.D.A.P.
  • 286 wild birds victims of illegal trafficking and trade from illegal bazaars, markets or shops in the municipalities of Athens-Piraeus were received and cared for until they regain their plumage and general strength, recover from any illnesses/injuries etc.
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